Your monitor is "micro-polarized", so if the 3D monitor has not been correctly autodetected, the default value will be enabled (HDMI 1.4 enabled 3D TV).
You can manually change to "Micro-polarized LCD 3D" in [Settings] -> [Preferences] -> [3D Display] -> [Display Device].
Thanks Hicham, is the first option i tried. But if I choose "micro-polarized" PDVD say to me that it can't recognize the device (the monitor) and the playback doesnt' start.
I note that if i try to force 3D without say that is a 3d monitor PDVD use by defaut the anagliphyc red-blue vision. So the perfect for me will be use interleaved rows to use the micropolarized capabilities of the monitor. Is the way to works that has the old Arcsoft TMT.
Anyway my feelings is that you
need to add more user preferences to customize vison and audio options. Is a player that run into a PC so is normal that it can be infaced to a wide range of hardware, and thare is a real big probability that something doesn't works. Your software cost money and there is not possibility to try all feature (and verify bugs and incompatibilities) before pay the money. Is very frustrating, pratically
I waste my money to a product that promise all and at the end don't do what I need.
Help the user to force some feature sould be very, very, very helpful. And reading all the posts in the forum seems to be exactly this case.