I'm not sure I've understood correctly but if you are setting one item on your timeline up in a way that you want all the others to appear can you not right click on it and select "copy keyframe" and then select all the items, right click and paste keyframe?
Well, look at that! Yes, one can indeed right click, select "copy keyframes," in this case, those customized settings I did on an FX, and then right-click to paste those keyframe settings on the next clip which has the unedited FX dragged onto it. -- I did not know this was possible before!-- Love learning something new.
The only thing that isn't possible is to select multiple clips for pasting into at a time. It's on a one clip at a time basis, but believe me, that is a huge relief after opening up the FX editing window over and over and changing those 4 parameters over and over.
So yes, Longedge, you understood me correctly. Thanks much for the assistance.