So, PD15: Everything runs fine, I have a clip on the timeline, say, a 50 minute 1280x720 clip. When I try to shorten it by clicking and dragging with the mouse from the right end of the clip towards the left, everything freezes / lags and only after two or so seconds it's back to normal again and I can continue editing.
How can that be?!! I expected my new editor to run as smoothly as silk with that kind of hardware power, but alas...
Any answers / suggestions?
2) I heard that PD15 renders faster with "OpenCL" NOT checked - which I can confirm. Are there any more secret tips on how to get everything out of my multicore system? Does PD15 really use all of my cores + my graphics card to the max? Because that's why I bought it... Browsing the web, I read that many users are also quite disappointed with how their new hardware only uses a fraction of its capacities even with multicore applications...