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CD Library Display of Album Artist vice Artist
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Is there anyway to have PowerDVD display Album Artist instead of Artist when the "Artist" button is selected in the top left navigation?

Here is my problem with the logic. The Artist button displays Artist > Album which causes an Artist with a single song on a compilation item to be lists and extends the list. This duplicates the same functionality available under the "Songs" button. You can choose Songs and then sort on artist to find all the songs.

I would prefer, which is implemented in other library programs, Artist uses "Album Artist" and compilation albums are displayed under "Various Artists" which is the accepted tagging. In my view, this cleans up the Artist > Album taxonomy of an artist selection and does not eliminate the ability to use "Songs" to search compilation albums for singles.
[Post New]
Quote Is there anyway to have PowerDVD display Album Artist instead of Artist when the "Artist" button is selected in the top left navigation?

Here is my problem with the logic. The Artist button displays Artist > Album which causes an Artist with a single song on a compilation item to be lists and extends the list. This duplicates the same functionality available under the "Songs" button. You can choose Songs and then sort on artist to find all the songs.

I would prefer, which is implemented in other library programs, Artist uses "Album Artist" and compilation albums are displayed under "Various Artists" which is the accepted tagging. In my view, this cleans up the Artist > Album taxonomy of an artist selection and does not eliminate the ability to use "Songs" to search compilation albums for singles.

Hello, Cyberlink. Is this an idea? Bad idea? With 166 views and counting, some people may be interested in knowing your position on this topic.
Hicham_B [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Joined: Jun 09, 2015 04:02 Messages: 1347 Offline
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Hi blackcoffee,

The Artist button does not duplicate the functionality available under "All Songs" button.

"All Songs" displays all titles ordred alphabetically.

"Artist" displays Album which causes an Artist with a single song on a compilation.

"Albums" displays Albums in an alphabetical order.

Hicham Technical support:
[Post New]
Quote Hi blackcoffee,

The Artist button does not duplicate the functionality available under "All Songs" button.

"All Songs" displays all titles ordred alphabetically.

"Artist" displays Album which causes an Artist with a single song on a compilation.

"Albums" displays Albums in an alphabetical order.


I guess I didn't phrase it properly. Currently, there is no way to sort by Album Artist. I have used other libraries, Windows Media Player for example, and the artist sort is by album artist which groups the Albums under the Album Artist name. With that functionality you assign an "Album Artist" that is "Various Artists" that represents compilations. Programs like Tag/Rename are very helpful in maintaining libraries. So, if you want a compilation album, you go to Various Artitsts and find them. Likewise, Album Artists sorts do not list Albums with single songs. This is the functionality that works for some people.

As you note, if a person needs to find all songs by an artist, across all albums (including compilation), you can select all songs from the top bar menu and then click on the "Artist" column to find all songs with the same "Artist" tag to include those residing on compilation albums.

The functionality that is not currently available in PowerDVD, that would be available if Album Artist is a sort field, is the ability to generate a grouping of all compilation albums. Sure You can display individual albums, but then your entry level is Albums with no grouping that puts compilation albums in one location. This problem is mulitplied when you are looking for compilation albums of a specific genre like "Various Classical Artists" or "Various Jazz Artist". Other than searching through a list of Albums and having these compilation albums scattered throughout the list, the ability to group on "Album Artist" in a well constructed and maintained library puts these albums together.

This message was edited 5 times. Last update was at May 02. 2017 07:39

~dmb [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Sep 20, 2016 14:01 Messages: 1 Offline
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Just a quick tickle to this topic.

It is 2019 and things have not changed. I agree that sorting by what amounts to "Contributing Artist" is a problem for me. I have a large library that has been managed via Windows Media Player for years. While we're at it, a decent "List View" for Artists and Albums would be real nice. PowerDVD's clunky Media Database Management is one of the main reasons I have stopped recommending it to people who have large media collections.
AG2DVD [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Aug 22, 2021 15:14 Messages: 1 Offline
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It seems this issue has not been solved in years!

We need to have artists displayed as album artists, not song artists. As is now in Powe DVD 21 all artists with just one song in compilation albums overpopulate an already long lists if you have an extensive cd collection. This is cumbersome and not user friendly.

Please do as Amazon Music and have all artists classified as album artists please!
secretsubgamer [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Jun 09, 2022 12:53 Messages: 2 Offline
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I just want to add my voice to this request.
Recently purchased PowerDVD 21. I would like to use it for my whole media library but the lack of Album Artist grouping makes it the music library a bit of a mess.
An option to sort Albums by Album Artist would also be nice. Is nice to browse a music collection by album covers.
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