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How to create a Silhouette motion trail effect (echo effect in AE)?
iGamer4tv [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Dec 29, 2016 02:35 Messages: 21 Offline
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If possible, what is the best way in PD to create a motion trail effect, that either the same as the image or a solid/gradient color.

The exact effect I want is used in the music video "Moves by Big Sean" at 13 seconds in for example (EXPLICIT SONG WARNING) also linked below.

In After Effects, this is called an Echo. I would like to apply the same exact effect within PD if possible. I have a green screen and want to make a custom colored motion trail, that looks like a Silhoutette.


This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Feb 13. 2017 06:53

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