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Newblue activation
SeanF [Avatar]
Newbie Location: Dublin Ireland Joined: Nov 25, 2008 13:41 Messages: 25 Offline
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Hi fellow forum members

i thought I would share my experience with newblue support recently. I was having trouble activating my newblue plugins in Powerdirector 15 ultimate. I contacted newblue support and the very helpful and efficient Jaime helped me sort everything out.


Newbie Location: Brisbane, Australia Joined: Aug 08, 2015 18:46 Messages: 15 Offline
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Quote Hi fellow forum members

i thought I would share my experience with newblue support recently. I was having trouble activating my newblue plugins in Powerdirector 15 ultimate. I contacted newblue support and the very helpful and efficient Jaime helped me sort everything out.



Hello, SeanF.

So in the interest of helpfulness, can you please help me enable Newblue titler 1.5 in PD 15 because my old titles from PD 14 are no longer working, and all I can get is a red X and Newblue watermark.

Any assistance gratefully appreciated.

Cheers. Everything is inevitable
SeanF [Avatar]
Newbie Location: Dublin Ireland Joined: Nov 25, 2008 13:41 Messages: 25 Offline
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Quote Hi fellow forum members

i thought I would share my experience with newblue support recently. I was having trouble activating my newblue plugins in Powerdirector 15 ultimate. I contacted newblue support and the very helpful and efficient Jaime helped me sort everything out.



Hello, SeanF.

So in the interest of helpfulness, can you please help me enable Newblue titler 1.5 in PD 15 because my old titles from PD 14 are no longer working, and all I can get is a red X and Newblue watermark.

Any assistance gratefully appreciated.

Hi Wreckage

Unfortunately I am only a PD15 user I do not have the experience to help you i'm afraid. If you contact Newblue support they will help you pronto.



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