For several years I've been requesting usability improvements to PD that would improve productivity. I submitted a long list of them for PD13 that were ignored. CL seems more interested in adding bells and whistles for marketing, than user productivity improvements. So I'm wondering if I can program some of the items on my wish list using keyboard macros and/or keyboard shortcuts. For example, when creating a text block that you want centered, you have to do several clicks that involve centering vertical and then centering horizontal. With VideoStudio and most other video editors you can do this with one click (center both). Is there a way to create some kind of macro or shortcut and would "center both" with one keypress or click? If I can do this, then perhaps I can use the same functionality to streamline other commonly used actions that are click-intensive in PD.
Previously known as PDuser97031 (had to create a new user after changing email address)