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Removed Empty Tracks Keep Coming Back
TeeMan1 [Avatar]
Member Joined: Nov 03, 2014 01:41 Messages: 91 Offline
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This is strange and maybe someone has an answer. I have two camera shot I'm posting on Tracks 1&2. I right click and select "Remove Empty Tracks" and Track #3 is removed. Once I add or edit something on Track #2 or to a title track, Music track or narration track, the previous removed track #3 reappears. I end up having go back and "Remove Empty Tracks" over, and over again. Does anyone know if there is a "setting or mode" that will permanently keep removed tracks from coming back?



This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Jan 15. 2017 01:37

JL_JL [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Location: Arizona, USA Joined: Oct 01, 2006 20:01 Messages: 6091 Offline
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It's been like that for many versions, I know of no setting to change nor if it's the intent, just the way it is. Basically it gives you one empty video track to aid editing. If you delete the track, it will add again when you make changes in the last track in use. So it's not just #2 and #3 tracks, if one has use more tracks the effect will occur there too.

TeeMan1 [Avatar]
Member Joined: Nov 03, 2014 01:41 Messages: 91 Offline
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Quote It's been like that for many versions, I know of no setting to change nor if it's the intent, just the way it is. Basically it gives you one empty video track to aid editing. If you delete the track, it will add again when you make changes in the last track in use. So it's not just #2 and #3 tracks, if one has use more tracks the effect will occur there too.



Thank you so very much for you explanation of this issue. I guess this could be another Wish List item someday.


TeeMan TeeMan
Senior Contributor Location: USA Joined: Nov 06, 2008 22:18 Messages: 6240 Offline
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I like the additional track for moving things around from time to time. If you dislike the extra space it inhabits you can adjust the size of the tracks visual footprint. The need for more screen space is why I use a second monitor just for the preview. I just updated to an 8.9" Viltrox HD monitor, but I can also use a tablet with free software that extends my desktop (and the preview) to said tablet. HP Envy Phoenix/4thGen i7-4770(4@3.4GHz~turbo>3.9)
Nvidia GTX 960(4GB)/16GB DDR3/
Canon Vixia HV30/HF-M40/HF-M41/HF-G20/Olympus E-PL5.
Tape capture using 6 VCR, TBC-1000, Elite BVP4+, Sony D8 camcorder with TBC.
Forecaster [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Apr 28, 2016 14:10 Messages: 5 Offline
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I'm also annoyed by this and wish there was a way to turn off auto-adding tracks.

This "feature" is alive and well in PD16. Please make it stop. If I want more tracks I'd rather add them myself.
TeeMan1 [Avatar]
Member Joined: Nov 03, 2014 01:41 Messages: 91 Offline
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Quote I like the additional track for moving things around from time to time. If you dislike the extra space it inhabits you can adjust the size of the tracks visual footprint. The need for more screen space is why I use a second monitor just for the preview. I just updated to an 8.9" Viltrox HD monitor, but I can also use a tablet with free software that extends my desktop (and the preview) to said tablet.

Barry, thank you for your response. I too use use two 27 inch LG monitors. I guess my problem with this feature is that I really hate having to keep deleting the tracks that are constantly being readded to the timeline. It just does not make sense to me for CL to force feed you extra tracks. If I want extra tracks I can add them myself. Anyway, the World won't end tomorrow if this feature is left unchanged by CL but its just a pain. TeeMan
TeeMan1 [Avatar]
Member Joined: Nov 03, 2014 01:41 Messages: 91 Offline
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Quote I'm also annoyed by this and wish there was a way to turn off auto-adding tracks.

This "feature" is alive and well in PD16. Please make it stop. If I want more tracks I'd rather add them myself.


I'm glad to see I'm not the only one annoyed by this.


TeeMan1 TeeMan
Anonymous [Avatar]
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Quote I'm also annoyed by this and wish there was a way to turn off auto-adding tracks.

This "feature" is alive and well in PD16. Please make it stop. If I want more tracks I'd rather add them myself.


I'm glad to see I'm not the only one annoyed by this.



There is no way to switch off the extra track feature. I do all my own title graphics for my videos. Inserting these on Video Tr.2(which is already open anyway) automatically opens up Video Tr.3, and adding anything on Tr.3 automatically opens Tr.4, and so on. Leave the extra track open until you've added all you're going to add on Tr. 2 & 3(if you're only intending to use 2 & 3). Having Tr.4 there should prevent further tracks from opening. When you've finished adding content and are ready to render(produce), remove Tr.4! I'm using PD14 Ultra and the same situation applies(and likely has done since PD9) but wasn't the case in PD8 and earlier. As the Beatles once sang: "Boy, you gotta carry that weight....."!
TeeMan1 [Avatar]
Member Joined: Nov 03, 2014 01:41 Messages: 91 Offline
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Quote I'm also annoyed by this and wish there was a way to turn off auto-adding tracks.

This "feature" is alive and well in PD16. Please make it stop. If I want more tracks I'd rather add them myself.


I'm glad to see I'm not the only one annoyed by this.



There is no way to switch off the extra track feature. I do all my own title graphics for my videos. Inserting these on Video Tr.2(which is already open anyway) automatically opens up Video Tr.3, and adding anything on Tr.3 automatically opens Tr.4, and so on. Leave the extra track open until you've added all you're going to add on Tr. 2 & 3(if you're only intending to use 2 & 3). Having Tr.4 there should prevent further tracks from opening. When you've finished adding content and are ready to render(produce), remove Tr.4! I'm using PD14 Ultra and the same situation applies(and likely has done since PD9) but wasn't the case in PD8 and earlier. As the Beatles once sang: "Boy, you gotta carry that weight....."!

Neil F.

I understand where you are coming from. I do use the Music Track, the Narration Track and the Title Tracks as they are intended. Most of my sessions are a minimum 2-3 cameras and often I just want to keep an eye on the Narration Track while editing. Already have used tracks 1-2 and sometimes 1-3, when the new auto track is entered and it pushes my Music, Narration and Title tracks down further, it kind of a pain go have to keep scrolling down to just bypass the empty track. As I stated earlier. Guess I'll just have to live with it.


TeeMan1 TeeMan
Anonymous [Avatar]
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Like I said, just use the Video tracks 2 and maybe 3 for your work, that way, you only need to scroll past Vid Tr.4 to get to the title and narration tracks. Here's a tip, though. You can use the video tracks(all of them, from Tr. 1 & 2[fixed] and all others that automatically open as you add content, they can be used as default title tracks with the added benefit of using the transition effects with them, not just the effects from the title room. And because there's no audio with the titles, you can use the empty accompanying audio track to insert any music or prerecorded naration track. This may save having to scroll past empty tracks, whic can be removed prior to render. This has been part of Power Director since PD9(I think) and makes Power Director a lot more versatile than other video editing software.
TeeMan1 [Avatar]
Member Joined: Nov 03, 2014 01:41 Messages: 91 Offline
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Quote TeeMan1,

Like I said, just use the Video tracks 2 and maybe 3 for your work, that way, you only need to scroll past Vid Tr.4 to get to the title and narration tracks. Here's a tip, though. You can use the video tracks(all of them, from Tr. 1 & 2[fixed] and all others that automatically open as you add content, they can be used as default title tracks with the added benefit of using the transition effects with them, not just the effects from the title room. And because there's no audio with the titles, you can use the empty accompanying audio track to insert any music or prerecorded naration track. This may save having to scroll past empty tracks, whic can be removed prior to render. This has been part of Power Director since PD9(I think) and makes Power Director a lot more versatile than other video editing software.

Neil F.

Got It. Love PD 15 Ultimate, with it quirks and all :



This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Feb 08. 2017 02:46

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