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Help with 1/2 image now saved
DECinHSV [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Apr 12, 2016 22:36 Messages: 12 Offline
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ALL -- I have to admit, I'm almost fed up with the Cyberlink 'mess' I've experienced ! This latest one is probably something that can be reversed, but maybe not.

After working several hours on a panorama project, I've go an image that was moved/cut in 1/2 or something and I am unable to reverse what has occured. PhotoDirector has been acting very odd/strange lately, so I have purposely saved often. I had just completed the 2d round of color edits to a large file and successfully saved the image. I took a short break, came back opened PD7, opened the file (verifying the latest edits had been collected. Opened the layers tab and the picture immediately went to the image attached. I attempted to exit without saving after the UNDO command would not work, but the file saved (same name) the unwanted version.

Any tips, suggestions, fixes???

Very frustrated !!
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Hello DSCinHSV,

Agreed, that would be frustrating because there seems no rhyme or reason for it to do that.

All is not lost, however. I'm sure you have your colour-adjusted panorama saved (or at least still in the library ready for export).

I would simply select it, return to the layers module, then proceed.

By the way, in the Layers module, had you saved it as a phi (containing layers) or a flattened image file (.jpg, .png or .tiff)? There's a screenshot attached showing the options in PhD7.

[Thumb - PhD7_Layers Save to.jpg]
PhD7_Layers Save to.jpg
630 Kbytes
25 time(s)
PIX YouTube channel
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Also, it appears you've not added any layers to the panorama in any case, so not much work is lost. PIX YouTube channel
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