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Chris [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Dec 17, 2008 08:45 Messages: 4 Offline
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After installing and having the crash problems that everyone is experiencing, I find it hard to believe these guys are even in business. Why have support as an option if you really dont get support! These guys also have the huburous to ask for improvement ideas for hte NEXT version when this version is buggy and crashes constantly!!!!


This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at Dec 26. 2008 10:36

Jay [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Jun 06, 2008 00:22 Messages: 12 Offline
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I really like(d) this product, but I'm considering moving on already. Maybe Adobe...
Ernie [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Sep 19, 2006 13:26 Messages: 12 Offline
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You referred to "crash problems that everyone is experiencing" I am one user of PD7 that does not having any problems with PD 7. I find it very stable and it has never crashed. I have some issue with the design of the menu system and that is all. I think there are a lot of users in the same boat as me.
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Quote: You referred to "crash problems that everyone is experiencing" I am one user of PD7 that does not having any problems with PD 7. I find it very stable and it has never crashed. I have some issue with the design of the menu system and that is all. I think there are a lot of users in the same boat as me.
I would be very interested in finding out what sort of computer setup you have, if you wouldn't mind telling everyone here.

What model CPU are you using? (ex: Core 2 Duo E6600)
What brand of DVD burners are you using?
What Operating System are you using? (XP,Vista, etc)

Thanks in advance.
RobertJ/OZ [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Location: Melbourne Australia Joined: Aug 14, 2006 02:26 Messages: 1209 Offline
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I'm with you Ernie,

The only time PD7 has crashed on me is because of something I did, not due to a fault with the program.

I use a basic laptop, Intel Core Duo T7400 processor, 2 Gb of ram, Windows XP Pro, Nvidia GeForce Go 7900 GS 256 mb, Optiarc DVD+-RW Dual layer burner

I do not have any crap programs on this computer, no games, no suspect software, this machine is clean and dedicated to video and photo editing, I do not have the likes of Nero, which has known conflicts with PD7.

I do save constantly, I allow PD7 time to process the last request before trying to proceed further and depending on the size of your project, this can take a while.

I do have Adobe Premiere Elements, Adobe Photoshop Elements, PhotoImpact, Cool 3D Studio installed, these do not conflict with CyberLink.

Whilst I have used PD7 to burn, my preference is to create a file then burn with a dedicated program and for this purpose I use Power2Go 6, this way I can add additional projects to the disc.

Intel i7 930, 16GB ram, Radeon HD 5770 1Gb,Ver. 14.12 Win7 64 bit
Intel i7 7700 HQ, 16 GB ram Nvidia GTX 1050Ti 4GB dual drives 1 TB SSD + 1 TB HDD Win 10

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RobertJ/OZ [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Location: Melbourne Australia Joined: Aug 14, 2006 02:26 Messages: 1209 Offline
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Hi Frank,

Read your other post, you have now changed the content from general crashing, to crashing when burning.

PowerDirector is an editing program rather than a burning program, in fact PowerProducer has a better burning engine than PD, and I agree the PD burning engine does not appear to be very stable.

CyberLink used to have a list of compatible burners, but I suppose that with the proliferation of burners now available, testing each and every burner is not really an option.

As I said, I use a dedicated burning program, which does seem to alleviate the burning issues of PD.

Robert Intel i7 930, 16GB ram, Radeon HD 5770 1Gb,Ver. 14.12 Win7 64 bit
Intel i7 7700 HQ, 16 GB ram Nvidia GTX 1050Ti 4GB dual drives 1 TB SSD + 1 TB HDD Win 10

Senior Contributor Location: USA Joined: Aug 17, 2007 02:26 Messages: 1667 Offline
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I thought RobertJ/OZ made a good point in his first reply when he said...
I allow PD7 time to process the last request before trying to proceed further

This is a subject that I haven’t seen discussed much on the forum. And I think that it “may” be the genesis of many of the “crashes” (during editing), that so many users decry.

For example.
Sometimes when I’m editing away, and I get that adrenalin rush as I get... On a Roll, or... In the Zone, and the ideas are flowing, I will for instance...
Open the Transition Room to get a fade. But wait, first I want to change the speed of my clip. OK, bang, done. Then quickly drag that fade effect down. OK, bang, done. Then quickly hit playback to see the results. All within about 5 seconds.
Then PD7 sends me a message that in effect is saying...
“Whoa! I’m sorry for the inconvenience, but I’m gonna close now and catch my breath, because I can’t deal with all these commands that you’re stacking, one upon the other, without even giving me a chance to finish the processing and saving of your first one”.

PD7 didn’t “just” crash. “I” was the one who crashed it. Perhaps if I could afford a super computer, PD might be able to keep up with me on those occasions when I start to get into my frantic pace mode. But for right now, I can’t simply blame PD for every single crash during editing, when many are owing to my rig’s short comings, and to me not stopping to take a breath between the executing of multiple commands.

I’m not a techie, so perhaps I’m way off here, and would welcome anyone setting me straight. But as I have found that, by simply racing my mouse too fast, I have been able to lock up my computer while using other programs of a completely different nature, I would think that same would apply to PD7.

But I’m with Ernie too. I’m just on a little decently powered laptop that’s uncluttered, and I haven’t delved into the Hi Def and BlueRay areas of DVD creation, as I’m probably too underpowered for that. But far as the editing and producing projects aspects of PD7, the program works fine. I’m very pleased.

Click here PDtoots for a collection of PowerDirector Tutorials and Tips
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Hi Robert and Cranston,

The post you read is actually a compilation of all the problems I encountered with PD7 regarding the burning of DVDs with the associated menus. Others on here, have also experienced this problem with general burning routines.

As to PD7 not being a stable burning program, I have no idea if this is true or not as I was able to burn DVDs successfully with the trial version, but not with the full retail version. When I was experiencing crashes with PD7, I uninstalled Nero, and installed Cyberlink's DVD burning program with the same results...PD7 wouldn't burn.

Yes, there are loads of DVD burners out there, but this isn't really a hard task to gather data from users on here; there are really only five or six major DVD manufacturers out there.

I know QA can only test so many configurations, this much is true. But testing on a selected series of DVD burners that go back a few years will usually show the problems of incompatibility right away. It is very rare, as I have stated before, for a DVD player to be the culprit in a software program. I cannot imagine that this bug was not evident during the QA process of PD7 with incompatibility issues.

At the least, Cyberlink can put a notification on their PD7 products that states that not all DVD burners will work with the product. From my experience with all the answers from customer support, the advice has nothing to do with the problems people are having with burning DVDs...the source of the problem is from code within PD7 that is not compatible with certain DVD burners.

The crash bugs aren't because of user error. People wait patiently for the program to burn and then PD7 crashes. This has been documented many, many times on here. I guess the point is that these bugs are not imagined or an illusion. No matter how many reasons are given as to the software not being the problem, empirically, through the reports of people here and on the Internet who are very accomplished PC people, people who are regular users like you, or beginners, the smoking gun points to the PD7 program. I really don't know what is so hard in excepting this obvious documented fact. I guess I really feel sorry for all the people who have been trying to get this issue resolved since the beginning of the year and haven't seen any progress on these problems.

It has nothing to do with "blaming" the program for these crashes. It is a fact, pure and simple. I think PD7 is the best video editing program out there. But this doesn't mean I have to turn the other way and pretend that the program isn't flawed, and for many users on here, flawed seriously. I want to see PD7 reach the levels that it is capable of. But to do this, you have to address the problems it has. Telling people out there that it's user error, when they know it obviously isn't, is not helping the problem. I can understand your loyalty to PD7. I am becoming a solid fan of the program as well. But we need to separate our enthusiasm of the program in order to see what the issues and problems with it is.

This message was edited 5 times. Last update was at Dec 17. 2008 20:02

RobertJ/OZ [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Location: Melbourne Australia Joined: Aug 14, 2006 02:26 Messages: 1209 Offline
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Hi Frank,

I thought I would advise you that the problems you are having with burning through PD7, I have exactly the same problems when trying to burn with Adobe Premiere Elements, so figure that one out.

Have a good Christmas

Robert Intel i7 930, 16GB ram, Radeon HD 5770 1Gb,Ver. 14.12 Win7 64 bit
Intel i7 7700 HQ, 16 GB ram Nvidia GTX 1050Ti 4GB dual drives 1 TB SSD + 1 TB HDD Win 10

[Post New]
Quote: Hi Frank,

I thought I would advise you that the problems you are having with burning through PD7, I have exactly the same problems when trying to burn with Adobe Premiere Elements, so figure that one out.

Have a good Christmas

You'll have to contact Adobe on that one. lol.
Senior Contributor Location: USA Joined: Aug 17, 2007 02:26 Messages: 1667 Offline
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I have to agree with Frank here.

Many of us are just average consumers without a great deal of computer expertise. But owing to PD7’s ease of use, we can quickly utilize the software for our amusement. And when the average consumer searches for a way to edit their footage and preserve it to DVD/s, and for the first time comes across Cyberlink’s PowerDirector site, and sees the Blue Ray logo imbedded amongst the sales pitch for the software, it’s not unreasonable for the average consumer dude to assume that if this software can even do that BR stuff, then it should be a breeze for it to just make a regular old DVD with a couple of menus on it for me. But there is no...
NOTE: PowerDirector is not really a DVD burning software, you’ll need to use another app if you “really” want to assure that you can burn a DVD.
...on Cyberlink’s PD page.

So even as an ardent fan of PD, I can certainly understand the frustration of all those who have the Burn & Crash issues, only be counseled that they need more software, or more current hardware, to burn a DVD, as PD is not really a DVD burning software. And this right after they’ve purchased PD7.
That certainly isn’t made clear at the point of purchase. Then their frustrations grow as they read in the forum that “some” (who are technically proficient in computers), have figured out tricks, figured out workarounds, figured out which burner is compatible, etc. etc. etc., in order to successfully be able to just burn a simple DVD in PD7. And the average consumer doesn’t understand all that. But they do know that there was a DVD logo on the page where the bought the software, they do know that they have yet been able to burn a DVD, and most importantly, they do know that Cyberlink has their hard earned money.

Frank is absolutely right. To read that burning a DVD in PD7 works great for some and that it’s the consumer’s fault for not having the right “computer thingies” on their rig, but if they get the right “thingies” it will work for them too, is cold comfort to that frustrated consumer. Cyberlink really should (assuming that the consumer’s computer meets the minimum recommended specifications), be able to make the DVD burning part of it’s software either...
1) More universally compatible with the various components and rigs that the average consumers have.
2) Make it clear to potential purchasers that while PD7 is a great editing program, successful DVD burning in PD7 is not gaurenteed for all, and that consumers should be prepared to modify their system to suit PD7 if you plan to burn DVDs “in” PD7, or be prepared to purchase and use additional software for consistently successful DVD burns.
But no, that wouldn’t be a great selling point would it. But neither is a first time visitor’s visit to the forum, who’s research of PD7 only reveals that everyone is saying that they can’t burn DVDs. So perhaps just repairing the issue as much as feasible would be the best solution.

As I’ve said before, I’m not a techie. So I hesitate to post this as I really don’t know what I’m talking about with respect to technical issues.
I'm just one of those average consumer dudes, who has read Frank’s various post. And I think he makes a great deal of sense.
Click here PDtoots for a collection of PowerDirector Tutorials and Tips
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Let's all hope that our wish lists for fixes comes true Cranston. In spite of having to pull some hair out because of the burning bug, the more I use PD7, the more I am impressed and awed. This is really a fine program.

Now, if Power Director 7 can be *easily* accessible to everyone from PC geeks to your everyday Joe and Jane on the street, Cyberlink will have their hands full trying to make enough to meet demand.
Chris [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Dec 17, 2008 08:45 Messages: 4 Offline
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I am using the following:

HP touchsmart with 4GB of RAM, Core 2 Dou, Windows Vista Home Rpemium 64 Bit, Mobile Intl 965 Chipset.

This computer should handle the product wiht no issues -and no stupid wise cracks blaming Vista. It is out, stable and does what I need..

No reason that PowerDirector should crash everytime it tries to burn to Disk. Also no reason fo rme to have rto buy another burning product, why dont they include it for one price instead of making us continue to buy additional products.
Dafydd B [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Joined: Aug 26, 2006 08:20 Messages: 11973 Offline
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