This video was produced overnight and to be honest -- I don't know if it blinks like this in PD14 as I can't view anything before producing. Even in LOW setting, pressing play to review the project is useless. This 1 min vid takes about 4 min's to view and the audio finishes 3 min's sooner. In 4k --- forget it.
Here is background on the video: ALL shot in 4k/24 FPS, all shot with same camera. Clips are of different length and the speed adjustments in the clips all vary in how much speed was added. (none are slowed down) Where the worst blinks are visible are clips with the fastest increase in speed, so my assumption is processing is the problem. This 1 min. clip took about 3.5 hours to process and from the forums I believe my settings should be a very safe to make 4k output. (this particular clip was sent straight to youtube, so I just chose 4k) [Transitions are from SET ALL drop down as "Overlap Transition"]
Any Tips or Suggestions? Even though I'm making this for a friend, NOT as a commercial transaction, I want this to look good for them, so I'd like to clean it up and be as smooth as I can.
Filename | FULLScreenLook.png |
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1278 Kbytes
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Filesize |
58 Kbytes
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Filename | PREFs.png |
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242 Kbytes
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This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Aug 19. 2016 10:16