I've been playing with transitions and recently had a situation where I wanted the audio to remain steady during a fade transition. I understand from PD Support that it's not possible to de-link the audio from the video in transitions. I found that even if I de-linked the video and audio tracks, then tried to apply the transition to the video track only, it still affected the audio.
Is there some way to create a fade transition that applies to the video track only. The only way I can figure to do what I want is to create a freeze frame at the end of the one clip and beginning of the next, then apply the Fade to the intersect of those. But this seems very clumsy to me - not practical if needing to do it repeatedly.
I haven't had too much time to explore this and have a feeling I may be making it more complicated than necessary. So I'm trusting there's a high tolerance for dumb questions on this forum....
Thank you