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PowerDVD 7.3 with LG ODD Model GGW-H20L Blue-ray support
Bigtone [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Dec 02, 2008 06:40 Messages: 3 Offline
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I purchased a LG 0DD GGW-H20L which came bundled with PowwerDVD 7 Ultra, however once installed the first time I run the software and try and play a Blu-ray disc, It tells me to install updates which it then takes me off to the Cyberlink website and the download and install completes correctly.

When I then try to play Blu-Ray discs the menus appear and function ok, but no video is displayed.

Looking on the support site, I see that there is a patch for this specific LG drive, however when I try to install it tells me I already have an existing product installed and I must uninstall that first, if I then unistall PowerDVD and try the patch again it tells me I must have PowerDVD 7.3 installed first!

Hardware Details:

DVD Player LG ODD Model GGW-H20L -rev. YL05 Firmware 8.01.0919.01

Vista Home Premium 32 bit.
ATI Radeon 1600 - Video
2.8Ghz Pentium 4 with 4Gb ram.

Cyberlink PowerDVD Ultra Rev 7, provided on CD in box, on first run upgrades to 7.3 ultra by dowloading an 83Mb update from your servers file ID

Trying to install update LG.ODD.4407_HLDS_DVD080919-02 fails.

Blu-ray discs tested: Oceans 13 and I am legend - same symptoms on both discs.

Any thoughts/suggestions/comments greatly appreciated..
Massimo [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Dec 03, 2008 08:36 Messages: 2 Offline
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Hi Bigtone, did you happen to have a Radeon and Catalyst drivers older than 8.10 ?
I had similar problem until I updated my drivers. Hope this help.
Bigtone [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Dec 02, 2008 06:40 Messages: 3 Offline
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Hi Massimo, thanks for the suggestion, unfortunately it doesnt seem to be that easy to fix..

I actually rebuilt the machine from the ground up just in case and downloaded the complete drivers package again so now running with the following:

Driver Packaging Version 8.552-081028a-070229C-ATI
Catalyst® Version 08.11
Provider ATI Technologies Inc.
2D Driver Version
2D Driver File Path /REGISTRY/MACHINE/SYSTEM/ControlSet001/Control/Class/{4D36E968-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}/0000
Direct3D Version
OpenGL Version
Catalyst® Control Center Version 2008.1028.2134.36851

As far as I can tell these are the latest and greatest from Radeon so I believe Im fully up to date, also checked Direct X and thats fully patched and up to date, but Blu-ray still refuses to play...

Massimo [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Dec 03, 2008 08:36 Messages: 2 Offline
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I'm sorry to hear that. When I got that kind of problem I was still able to play bluray lowering the resolution to 1280x720. Perhaps you could try this as a temporary workaround.
David [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Dec 07, 2008 18:37 Messages: 1 Offline
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I have the same Blu-ray player and have no issues, make sure you have the latest Firmware for the Player, it should have told you of at least 1 update notification....Also run the Blu-ray adviser program and see if you get any info of incompatible hardware or drivers...7.3 Ultra was a little flakey for me so I purchased the upgrade to 8.0 and have had no issues whatsoever....

Specs: Vista Ultimate 64Bit
Asus P5Q pro
Q9550 Quadcore 2.83
Visiontek HD 4870 512Mb
8Gig DDR2
Acer 24" HDMI LCD
Vizio 37" HDTV

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Dec 07. 2008 18:52

Bigtone [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Dec 02, 2008 06:40 Messages: 3 Offline
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For those following this thread as they are seeing a similar problem I cant give you a simple solution, but have at least fixed it..

I spent many happy days back and forth with the support chaps at Cyberlink and they provided my a couple of new releases however none actually resolved the problem.

In the end I ripped the video cards out of my other media PC's and did more testing myself..

Firstly I installed a Radeon 2400HD, this worked fine and played Blu-Ray through PDVD just fine without any driver changes, however the PC seemed very unstable with the card and had a tendency to blue screen, so then I swapped it for a NVIDA 7300. Once the latest drivers were installed this worked just fine also and plays Blu-ray through ADVD 7.3 perfectly and with this card the PC also now seems to be perfectly stable so will be leaving this card in place and popping the original ATI 1600 card into another of my media PC's without a Blu-ray drive (For reference it plays HD quite happily from the HDD)..
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