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Color board sizing is not free form
GreggDana64 [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Mar 22, 2015 19:55 Messages: 18 Offline
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I am trying to put text on top of thin background blocks, however, PD14 color board is not allowing me to adjust corners/sides to free form the block in custom sizes
Anja the Dane
Contributor Location: Denmark (North of Copenhagen) Joined: Mar 03, 2011 15:02 Messages: 347 Offline
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You can resize the color board as any picture.

When placed at the time lilne you'll see white dots - these are handles for changing size and or placements, see attached

If you want an othe shape - use a mask on the colorboard, see attached

Hope this help you.

cheers, Anja
[Thumb - mask-2.PNG]
65 Kbytes
105 time(s)
[Thumb - colorboard.png]
39 Kbytes
100 time(s)
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GreggDana64 [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Mar 22, 2015 19:55 Messages: 18 Offline
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Thanks Anja. Yes, I can size it that way but the box maintains its aspect ratio rather than being freeform to create long thin blocks, etc
Senior Contributor Location: USA-Eastern Time Zone Joined: Sep 16, 2014 16:44 Messages: 629 Offline
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I just tried in PD13 as this is the only PD I have and I understand what you are asking GreggDana.

I don't know how to do what you are asking for IN PD - but you could create an image like what you describe and then import it into your project. I have GIMP - it's a PhotoShop sort of software - an image editing software. Any such software - I'd think - would be able to create what you are asking for. (there is at least a version of GIMP that is free to download - but I got to tell you there IS A LEARNING CURVE with using it)

Someone else might know how to 'unlink' the vertical and horizontal to just shrink one or the other - but I do not in PD.

GreggDana - Mask is in PiP Designer too - if you double click on a color board you'll have 3 tabs at the top (at least in PD13) and Mask is one of the choices.


This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at Jan 08. 2016 12:34

PD13 Ultimate - Build 3516, WIN 8.1, 64 Bit, 16G RAM, Intel Core i5 4460, CPU @ 3.2GHz, NVIDIA GeForce GT720, Graphics Memory(total avail.)-4093MB
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GreggDana64 [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Mar 22, 2015 19:55 Messages: 18 Offline
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Put color board in timeline then > Modify > Mask > Scroll down to Object Setting and untoggle 'Maintain Aspect Ratio.' Now you can free form the block in any shape you like
GreggDana64 [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Mar 22, 2015 19:55 Messages: 18 Offline
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The second part to my original question pertained to the the text. I've solved the block issue but the text is behind the block. How can I move text forward or to the front so it sits on top of block rather than behind it?
Senior Contributor Location: USA-Eastern Time Zone Joined: Sep 16, 2014 16:44 Messages: 629 Offline
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Title Room - create a title - its a text page essentially. That text 'lays' on top of the color board I just used to try out the adjustment of aspect ratio. The text is on top of the color board.

Text on Top of COlor Board.png
230 Kbytes
116 time(s)

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Jan 08. 2016 13:51

PD13 Ultimate - Build 3516, WIN 8.1, 64 Bit, 16G RAM, Intel Core i5 4460, CPU @ 3.2GHz, NVIDIA GeForce GT720, Graphics Memory(total avail.)-4093MB
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Anonymous [Avatar]
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I just looked into this on my PD14, and, with a colour board applied on Tr.2, there's no provision to uncheck a "Maintain Aspect Ratio" box, as I believe GreggDana64 is after. I thing Gregg isn't after "masking", as such as putting a thin strip of colour across the image to sit behind some text. Possibly the only way around this, Gregg, is to create your own thin strip of colour in something like Microsoft Paint(experimentation with size is required) then import this to your project, position it where you want it, set the duration and put your text across it.


JL_JL [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Location: Arizona, USA Joined: Oct 01, 2006 20:01 Messages: 6091 Offline
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Quote: I am trying to put text on top of thin background blocks, however, PD14 color board is not allowing me to adjust corners/sides to free form the block in custom sizes

Simply use the blue control points in the corners of the color board to define any free form 4 side shape you desire. Then, simply place the title text in the "Title track" as that's always on top or on a track higher in number. Higher track numbers sit on top of lower track numbers.

[Thumb - PD14_colorboard.png]
236 Kbytes
103 time(s)
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Senior Contributor Location: USA Joined: Aug 17, 2007 02:26 Messages: 1667 Offline
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Quote: I just looked into this on my PD14, and, with a colour board applied on Tr.2, there's no provision to uncheck a "Maintain Aspect Ratio" box,

Hmm, I just now tested a Color board placed in track 2, and just as JL_JL and ynotfish have shown, free forming a color board seems to work here as well.
[Thumb - Color boards (Neil).png]
Color boards (Neil).png
48 Kbytes
100 time(s)

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at Jan 09. 2016 10:16

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Anonymous [Avatar]
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Uh, yeah, thanks, Tony! Hmmmm. Right now the signal on my wireless modem is going up and down like a mad elevator driver!

I'll take a closer look at this on PD14 after I've logged off for this internet session.
Anonymous [Avatar]
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Hi, Tony!

I now stand well-and-truly corrected! And it has given me some ideas for credit title sequences....hmmmm!


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