But ram only makes your computer faster if you are actually using it. Will PD use more than 6GB of RAM all by itself?
It depends on what the project demands. If you do a lot of modifying the video (fix/Enhance, FX) you can get all of the CPU and most of the RAM in use.
Yeah I do a lot of that.
I bought the ram anyway so 16gb here we come!
calcum123, prior to your RAM upgrade, measure some value of how well your PC and PD14 perform for you, maybe encoding time for a particular project with all your FX, editing time, scubbing the timeline, whatever you feel this added RAM will help. Repeat the exact same measure when you add the additional 8GB.
Post back your results on this thread, my guess the change you will see for OP goal of "editing 3-10min but complex videos (1080p 60fps)" is simply what left your pocket.