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MagicMusic: Matched third-party content. What to do?
Anja the Dane
Contributor Location: Denmark (North of Copenhagen) Joined: Mar 03, 2011 15:02 Messages: 347 Offline
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I just produced a slideshow and uploaded it on YouTube.
Götakanalen Sverige med SIF 2007

I have used Magic Music - Pavane Pax in the hole slide show. Leng=09:30:00

Right after upload I got a message: 'Matched third-party content'.
It's related to, Content: 12 Pavanne-Summit Records Music composition 6:26 - 8:10 play match.

Strange it's only a small part of the music - nearly at end - that match third-party content.

I'm pretty amazed because when you buy and install PowerDirector you get 10 pieces Magic Music, the bold blue font to use as background music.
The tunes that comes with PD14

As these Magic Music tunes included with PD, there is probably also a license to had to use music in the videos / slide show put on YouTube - or is there something I have misunderstood?

I know there has been a post about something like this ( - I've read it, but can not accurately understand what and how I shall do.

When I click at 'File a dispute' I get this page: 'File a dispute'
And I don't know what to do frown I need a 'step by step for DUMMIES', please.

I have previously uploaded slide shows and videos on YouTube where the background music is Magic Music without that I have been informed of 'Matched third-party content'. - so why now?

Hope someone can / will help me through.

Cheers, Anja

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Nov 12. 2015 14:48

PDR 14.0.4207.0 / Windows 10 64-bit / Asus / Intel i7-4790 3.60 GHz / 16GB RAM / NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 / DirectX 12
Senior Contributor Location: N.S.W. Australia Joined: May 08, 2009 02:06 Messages: 9977 Offline
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Hi Anja -

YouTube audio flags have been flying thick and fast lately. Must be something to do with their monetisation program. As an example, I recently received a notice for a video that's been on YT for years! I disputed it and the claim was withdrawn.

This SmartSound Support page shows what to do -

As you purchased PDR and used tracks provided/purchased from SS, you are covered under the SS license. All you have to do is jump through a few hoops. As you'll see on the SS support page, they're happy to assist if you have no luck with your dispute.

Cheers - Tony
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Anonymous [Avatar]
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Hi Tony & Anja!

It's for this very reason that I DON'T upload my videos to YouTube! I much prefer to put them on DVD for private viewing by family & friends. I have limited access to the SmartSound library and may occasionally use some of what's available but often I'll use commercial material and keep the video strictly private. If YouTube are jumping up and down about music copyright on SmartSound stuff, then it's just not worth all the grief!

Anja the Dane
Contributor Location: Denmark (North of Copenhagen) Joined: Mar 03, 2011 15:02 Messages: 347 Offline
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Hi Tony,

Thanks for your prompt reply laughing And thank you for always contribute something useful.
- I followed the instruction mentioned under AdRev - I have already got an automated response - so now just waiting.

Hope I can come up with a supplementary question.
How is copyright when recording video in the public space - for example, on the street?
Last year I was in Fira on the Greek island Santorino. Here I witnessed a multiple wedding (about 10 Asian couples).They danced in a circle to different melodies, among other Zorba.
Is it violating of copyright rights for the music to show video of the wedding dance when it took place outdoors in a public place?
My Video was flagged by YouTube because of the Zorba music and with the txt: Believe Music The Orchard Music AdShare MG for a Third Party.

Hi Neil, thanks for your input.

Of course I have also videos and slide shows which do not come online. Especially when it is strictly private.

But I use YouTube much to share common travel experiences with the people who participated in the trip.
The various groups I / we travel with are always very happy that I share the videos online.

It would be too cumbersome to produce DVDs to all and succeed in question and send it by the post office - it's also not cheap in this country.
I am not particularly good at making videos, but it is in any case better to watch a video when there is a soundtrack - it gives more credits - that's why I use both Magic Music and audio from YouTube's audio library.

Cheers, Anja PDR 14.0.4207.0 / Windows 10 64-bit / Asus / Intel i7-4790 3.60 GHz / 16GB RAM / NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 / DirectX 12
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Senior Contributor Location: Canada Joined: Aug 21, 2009 11:24 Messages: 1431 Offline
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If you offer the Youtube link to the travelers group as a private link the issues usually are of no consequence. Win 10, i7
Anja the Dane
Contributor Location: Denmark (North of Copenhagen) Joined: Mar 03, 2011 15:02 Messages: 347 Offline
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Unfortunately, you are not right.
This I have tried about a year ago where I had used a tune that Tony had used in his wonderful slide show of his new grandchild.
It was a Family birthsday - therefore I made it private.
It was tagged.
Result: I removed the video. PDR 14.0.4207.0 / Windows 10 64-bit / Asus / Intel i7-4790 3.60 GHz / 16GB RAM / NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 / DirectX 12
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Senior Contributor Location: Canada Joined: Aug 21, 2009 11:24 Messages: 1431 Offline
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That has not been my experience, but in the EU copyright laws are different. Win 10, i7
Senior Contributor Location: N.S.W. Australia Joined: May 08, 2009 02:06 Messages: 9977 Offline
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That's true HDedit - often the audio is blocked only in some countries.

Yes Anja - I've read of that happening previously, where the video is tagged not because of the music bed but the music recorded at the event.

Honestly, despite the wide use it has, YouTube's a bit of a hotch-potch in lots of ways. Audio tagging & monetisation is just one of those things. I don't have an answer for that, but it's a pain when you can't even include a scene where a local band is playing a well known tune! undecided Vimeo has a lot going for it!

Cheers - Tony
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Senior Contributor Location: USA-Eastern Time Zone Joined: Sep 16, 2014 16:44 Messages: 629 Offline
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I've not uploaded videos or clips to YouTube - ever, in the past. I was thinking about doing so with a project I created over the Summer but I've been reading some of the "Magic Music' threads and I think I know what is going on.

Could you guys please confirm for me - the following:

So if I used any artist's music playing in the background, in any video that I upload to YouTube - YouTube will not allow the video to be streamed because that music is copy-written?

Just trying to understand.

And music from Magic-Music ... IS allowed to be played/streamed from YouTube because PD/Magic-Music gives the user of PD the 'right' to use the music?


This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Nov 13. 2015 14:35

PD13 Ultimate - Build 3516, WIN 8.1, 64 Bit, 16G RAM, Intel Core i5 4460, CPU @ 3.2GHz, NVIDIA GeForce GT720, Graphics Memory(total avail.)-4093MB
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Senior Contributor Location: N.S.W. Australia Joined: May 08, 2009 02:06 Messages: 9977 Offline
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Hi CS2014 -

Yes - there is no real issue with using SmartSound music in YouTube videos. It's covered in the license. The claims made are usually spurious & can be disputed (described in link above).

I use SS music for almost every tutorial I make. Claims are made on about 75% of them, which I dispute & it's usually waived.

I also do lots of concert recordings, some of which are posted on YT. I've never had a claim on any of them! Example - a local duo, Nick & Liesl - now in USA writing music for stage shows & films. I recorded this a couple of years back. Still there, with no claim.

Of course, "Wyong River" isn't quite so well known as "Zorba the Greek"! laughing

So - nothing is absolutely certain. There may be a claim made or there may not.

Cheers - Tony

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Nov 13. 2015 17:19

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Senior Contributor Location: Canada Joined: Aug 21, 2009 11:24 Messages: 1431 Offline
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Youtube appears to be able to recognize musical pieces by their overall spectrum. I've had the same music performed in a non-standard fashion accepted while the "normal" arrangement was not. And the restrictions are frequently specific only to certain countries. Win 10, i7
Anja the Dane
Contributor Location: Denmark (North of Copenhagen) Joined: Mar 03, 2011 15:02 Messages: 347 Offline
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Thank you for your guidance Tony. It worked.
Already this morning has the claim for Pavane Pax has been removed. (a mail from AdRev dated , Nov 13, 9:55 AM - my local 18:55 tim )

BUT,BUT,BUT - while writing this post it's tagged again (my local time, Nov 14, 10:44 AM)

I'm confused, will try to make the claim again refering to the mail I got fromyell

HDedit, I think EU copyright laws are strict but I think that the way Google and YouTube administers them is far worse - though of course it is to watch your back to the music industry.

That is also why there is change in the conditions for the use of music in the YouTube audio library.
an example:
You are welcome to use this song in any of your videos, but you must include the following in your description of the video:Hit the Streets (Version 2) by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license ( PDR 14.0.4207.0 / Windows 10 64-bit / Asus / Intel i7-4790 3.60 GHz / 16GB RAM / NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 / DirectX 12
Anonymous [Avatar]
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Hi Anja!

Funny how you say EU copyright laws are strict. I have some German-issue 45s and LPs, and on some of them is the bracketted portion of the German-language copyright warning re: copying to tape(Unerlaubte vervielfältigung = unallowed duplication) The bracketted portion reads "Ausser zum persönlichen Gebrauch" which translates in English as "Except for personal use". Mind you, this didn't appear on ALL Germal-issue records even from issue to issue on the same label, but I've seen it enough to know that the record companies were quitehappy for us to record our favourite songs onto a cassette, for our own use, of course! That was nice of them, wasn't it? As for music in our videos, if YouTube are going to kick up a stink any time someone submits a video where the camera picks up some background music coming of someone's radio, purely unintended, as it was, then it's not worth putting anything on YouTube at all.


Anja the Dane
Contributor Location: Denmark (North of Copenhagen) Joined: Mar 03, 2011 15:02 Messages: 347 Offline
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Hi Neil,
Yes in OLD DAYS - when we used vinyls and tapes you got that message / text: copy only allowed for personal use. I think this still the rule.
But the internet isn't personal. Only if you have your own server and nobody else than you has access to the server it's personal.
PDR 14.0.4207.0 / Windows 10 64-bit / Asus / Intel i7-4790 3.60 GHz / 16GB RAM / NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 / DirectX 12
Anonymous [Avatar]
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Hello, Anja!

Your remark, the internet isn't personal! How true! More's the pity. At least the discussions on these forum pages aren't going to raise suspicions within the intelligence(?)-gathering fraternity(intelligence? yeah!) What we're discussing here is really quite inoccuous. But the internet is quite guilty in many respects of invading privacy, and usurping roles in commerce and trade(shopping on-line usurps the role of the "bricks-and-mortar" stores we like to visit to buy what we want). As for the use of music in video clips(what this thread is meant to be about), I avoid all the copyright hassles by simply NOT up;oading anything I've made which has music of any kind, or source, in its soundtrack.


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