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Frames and Photos
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Hi I have downloaded frames but there not there & also just wanted to let people know that I downloaded ScrapNook & it put 289 Malwares on my computer it took me a while to fix it ..
How can I get free photo frames & collages plz for Cyberlink?



How would you like to use the frames? Are you applying them to photos in Photo Composer?

You can create your own frames in graphics software or download them (from safe sites). Do you want single photo frames or multi-frames fro creating a collage? The frames need to have transparent centres in .png format or be proportioned correctly to add your photos.

There are many possible sources of photo frames, but it depends on the style or layout you'd like. Can you provide some more information?

PIX PIX YouTube channel
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Another possibility that may suit you is to use CyberLink's own Image Chef to add your own photos to template frames.

PIX PIX YouTube channel
Debbie [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Nov 04, 2015 23:11 Messages: 2 Offline
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Hi would like nice photo frames and collages I just carnt get them.. Thanks Deb
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Hello Deb,

I'm surprised that you can't get them because there are many, many sites that make free frames available.

Some are in .jpg format, so you need to use the background removal tool to create the transparent space for your photo. Some examples here -

Some are already in .png format and are ready to go, such as these

If you need any help with PhD, just ask.

PIX PIX YouTube channel
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