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How can I rename DZA files within PowerDirector?
Newbie Location: Brisbane, Australia Joined: Aug 08, 2015 18:46 Messages: 15 Offline
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I appreciate that there are many resources available from the 'DirectorZone' downloads, but I have recently downloaded some sound effects and most of them have absolutely meaningless names. I renamed the *.M4A files in my Users\Public\Cyberlink\Downloaded audio\ folder only to find that I then had to edit the *.xml and *.cpt files also.

This is a ridiculously long and needless process. There has to be a way to rename these effects files to something more useful to the user. Can somebody please advise how I can do this?


Regards, Everything is inevitable
Senior Contributor Location: N.S.W. Australia Joined: May 08, 2009 02:06 Messages: 9977 Offline
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Hi Wreckage -

The short answer is: "You can't" undecided

BTW, you'll have noticed that - once installed - those audio clips are .M4A... the .dza is a compacted format for DZ upload/download.

Within PDR, all you can do is change the alias once the audio clip is in the timeline. Because the clips are generated in AudioDirector that's the only way the name can be changed, apart from editing the .xml file.

I agree with you about some of the names assigned by DZ users, but we have no control over that either laughing

Cheers - Tony
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