Issue #1: I am having issues with the disc menu preview tool where you can edit the menu title text. While the text shows up properly formatted in the editor, when I click the "Preview" button that opens a sort of player and goes through the intro video and loads the menu, I am unable to see the menu text. I even tried to burn a Blu-ray to see if it was just a quirk with the preview mode, but unfortunately the text does not show up on the burned copy either. Only in the Chapter menu(s) is text visible. (VIDEO link)
Issue #2: I then tried to reset the menu template I was using and start fresh. This seems to solve the disappearing text issue, but now the menu text has character spacing that is very open and although the font size is the same, the text appears very long (i.e. the kerning seems to be all messed up). I tried to edit the menu template, but the "Modify" button is not clickable for the template that I need. (VIDEO link)
Any help would be greatly appreciated!