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Doing annotations like arrows, circling something, crossing something out
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Hello everyone!

Sometimes when I do a video, I would like to have some sort of annotation.

For example having an arrow point at something, or circle something that's of interest, or crossing something off. I've seen this on many YouTube videos, but I'm not sure if they are using PowerDirector.

I had a look in Director Zone but couldn't really find anything suitable. Maybe I'm looking for the wrong thing. In PowerPoint or Office they are called shapes. You can get arrows, geometric shapes, symbols that grab your attentions. Things like that.

I know I could just create a PowerPoint with all the shapes, import that, use ChromaKey and off I go. But I'd also like it to be animated. For example an animaged circle being drawn to highlight something.

Any ideas?

Thank you, Phil Website
Senior Contributor Location: N.S.W. Australia Joined: May 08, 2009 02:06 Messages: 9977 Offline
[Post New]
Hi -

I posted some pointers and hand here - - may be of use.

Here's an animated cross out -

Cheers - Tony
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Dankan [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Jan 10, 2014 07:44 Messages: 7 Offline
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Hi philscomputerlab

Very meaningful question. I am looking too for such annotation elements like “encircling object”, “moving arrow” etc. – see attached video as an example.

There is an opportunity in PD to use “PIP Object Room > Create a new hand drawn paint animation” but it is very difficult to draw a perfect shape with a mouse.

May be somebody in this forum has an appropriate: moving objects, green screen video, GIF and etc. to help us.
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