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PD13 not responding when editing
NenaVasconcelos [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: May 06, 2015 05:20 Messages: 5 Offline
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Did read and follow all i fid in forum that could help.

I'm editing 10 minutes movie done with several files (i just use a few frames for one file). Having huge problem to preview video in timeline, video is there but when i try to watch it as movie PD just freeze (no error most of times, sometimes it show crash pop up for some seconds).This is so borring cause i need to produce a movie just to check how it is going

Produce movie is sometimes also a big problem, taking t long, doeesn't matter how i set it.

As far i know my pc is able to work it fine, is exact same pc i use with PD12 without problems. Windows is a fresh install.

Hope i could explain my problem, thanks for any help.

Windows 8.1 64bits - PD
13 Kbytes
229 time(s)

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at Jun 10. 2015 18:19

[Post New]
NenaVasconcelos, your I5 (with plenty of ram) looks ok for editing.
I took a quick look at your DxDiag file.
2 things:
1) Errors from PD (these we expected when it stops as you describe)
2) Failed Windows updates. These should not happen.

I would try and fix the Windows update failures first! Run your windows updates and see if you can figure out what is causing these to fail.

Once that issue is solved - provide us with some media info of the video files you are trying to edit.

Win8.1 Pro x64 / Dual x5670 / 24GB / GTX960 4GB / 240GB SSD + 640GB HDD / PD13 Ultimate
NenaVasconcelos [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: May 06, 2015 05:20 Messages: 5 Offline
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Thank you EKSVid for reply.

Didn't notice any error on update, will update right way.

Will let you know if that solve tomorow (night here).

Thank you
NenaVasconcelos [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: May 06, 2015 05:20 Messages: 5 Offline
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After update and update windows, it seems to work a litle better now.

Still getting some errors but will deal with it later, really need to have this job done.

Also Spy Hunter seems to help.

Thank you
[Post New]
I'm glad that helped! Win8.1 Pro x64 / Dual x5670 / 24GB / GTX960 4GB / 240GB SSD + 640GB HDD / PD13 Ultimate
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