I suspect that what's happening is that you're downloading the first file first, and then downloading the second. WITHOUT FIRST moving that first file to its proper final (resting place) location. So the first file is being overwritten by the second.
Try doing one file at a time and once it's on your system move it to where it should be. Then do the second file.
Hope this helps...
Hi Eldor, thanks for replying.
I'm afraid the final resting place for the files hasa been the trash can. I have tried to download the larger of the two .dll files all by itself, on several occassions. Thats just reminded me I haven't tried today .....
Nope, "it" still doesnt want to play ball. ... all .dll files in the trash can.
Trash can emptied ... still wont download.
Coffee time I think
I just want to edit and make pictures, walk my dog and go fishing.