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Very Slow Rendering!
Samoedaddy69 [Avatar]
Member Joined: May 24, 2010 20:29 Messages: 93 Offline
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I was producing a video with Power Director 12. I had used it before and didnt have an issue. That was before I got an SSD and Windows 8.1. Now when putting together a video it is very laggy and takes way too long to render. If I remember correctly it would "rendering" the video as I go but now I have to push the play button and wait for it to go through the whole video and slowly render. Then after that I can produce the video.

Computer Specs

Windows 8.1

CPU - i7 980x

RAM - 12 GB

GPU - Evga 780 Classified SLI
borgus1 [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Joined: Feb 27, 2013 00:33 Messages: 1318 Offline
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Three quick things to check...

Turn off "enable HD video processing (shadow files)" under OPTIONS|GENERAL

Is the latest PD12 update installed?

Check for an updated video driver from the chip manufacturer's WEBsite... (NVidia) (AMD) (Intel)

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Mar 24. 2015 18:33

Samoedaddy69 [Avatar]
Member Joined: May 24, 2010 20:29 Messages: 93 Offline
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Ok I turned the "enable HD video processing", there are no more updates to install, and I have the latest Nvidia drivers. It is still doing the same thing. Anytime I make a change to the video I have to press play and it will go through the video and render. The "Green" render bar above the timeline is where I am talking about. If it has been rendered it is green. The portions that are not rendered are not green.
tomasc [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Joined: Aug 25, 2011 12:33 Messages: 6464 Offline
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You may have to use an earlier video driver like the one you was using before the upgrade. You can also try unchecking the boxes on the Prefs/HA page to see if it solves the problem. Something changed.
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