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"Edited by PowerDirector" on video
sale123 [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Oct 20, 2014 15:38 Messages: 2 Offline
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When I produce video, there is "Edited by PowerDirector" watermark on video (right bottom). How to turn this off?

[Thumb - screenshot.jpg]
168 Kbytes
1019 time(s)

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Oct 20. 2014 15:51

Kyle 40
Contributor Location: Cumbria Joined: Sep 06, 2013 14:14 Messages: 467 Offline
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Quote: When I produce video, there is "Edited by PowerDirector" watermark on video (right bottom). How to turn this off?

Hi Sale123 welcome to the forum.

Sorry, but I've never seen that one , I once had a Nvidia logo in the same position once, it cleared off after one of the updates.

Is your copy of PD13 a trail version as that would possibly explain it?

sale123 [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Oct 20, 2014 15:38 Messages: 2 Offline
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Where I can see is it in trial mode?

That watermark shows on produce video and produce preview without any editing. Just after I add clip to timeline and switch to produce tab, there is watermark (!) It stay on video fiew seconds and disappears (when played). Very strange, how nobody knows where it came from?
Senior Contributor Location: Texas, USA Joined: Mar 16, 2010 20:11 Messages: 9090 Offline
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Quote: Where I can see is it in trial mode?

That watermark shows on produce video and produce preview without any editing. Just after I add clip to timeline and switch to produce tab, there is watermark (!) It stay on video fiew seconds and disappears (when played). Very strange, how nobody knows where it came from?

The Trial version puts a watermark for the first 5 seconds of the produced Video.

That can be removed after you get a Paid Retail version.

If you want to make it easy to remove that 5 Second start of the video, put a color board that is six seconds long at the beginning of your video.

When you have a retail version just split and delete that 6 second start. Then Produce with the Retail version.

I saw a post that told how to remove the watermark in the paid version without cutting out the 5 seconds at the beginning. I have no idea what forum or when I saw the post.

Found a post:

Looks like the same answer.
Richmond Dan
Senior Contributor Location: Richmond, VA Joined: Aug 07, 2014 17:17 Messages: 673 Offline
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"Where I can see is it in trial mode?"

If you didn't pay for PD13, but only downloaded the trial version, then it is in trial mode.

If you paid for PD13, then you should (I believe) have uninstalled the trial version before installing the paid version. Others who have first used the trial version can confirm whether this is necessary.
Power Director 21-Ultimate
v 21.0.3111.0
XPS-8940, Win-10 64-bit,
Intel Core i9-10900 processor
(10 core, 20M Cache),
Senior Contributor Location: Texas, USA Joined: Mar 16, 2010 20:11 Messages: 9090 Offline
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Quote: When I produce video, there is "Edited by PowerDirector" watermark on video (right bottom). How to turn this off?

Is that screen shot from YouTube?

If it is a screen shot of a video on Youtube, there is Description in Produce, that says "Produced with CyberLink PowerDirector 13".
You can remove that Description before you upload to YouTube.

[Thumb - Produce for YouTube.PNG]
Produce for YouTube.PNG
Where Produce with Powerdirector comes in.
49 Kbytes
20194 time(s)

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Oct 20. 2014 21:27

[Post New]
Quote: When I produce video, there is "Edited by PowerDirector" watermark on video (right bottom). How to turn this off?

If I remember installing PD13 full, will uninstall the trial version automatically if it has not been done before.
Project created in the trial, open PD13 full version will show the watermark in 5 sec. beginning, Find, delete Cyberlink text.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at Oct 21. 2014 07:21

Dafydd B [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Joined: Aug 26, 2006 08:20 Messages: 11973 Offline
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The trial places a watermark onto a video and any saved project created in the trial and opened in the full retail version of PDR will display the watermark. In the retail version the water mark displays as an image overlay located in one of the tracks. Locate and delete the overlay image from the track position and the watermark is gone.
I have not experienced the issue, the info is knowledge gained.....

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Oct 21. 2014 04:24

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