Believe it or not, everything downloaded then installed without a problem
I already had one project part finished but only decided on the upgrade after reading another thread which stated there was no problem continuing editing a project started in PD12 and finishing the same project in PD13. So far , this has proved to be true, it even appears to be a faster editing solution.
Here is my problem, if it indeed is a problem! On opening the Title Room I now have duplicates of all titles, And "yes" I still have PD12 installed!
Why would you have PD12 & PD13 on the same system? Well, I wasn't sure PD13 would work straight away as a lot of folk appear to be having issues
Everything else works though.
I guess the only answer is to uninstall PD12, am I correct?
cheers all. I just want to edit and make pictures, walk my dog and go fishing.