Thanks Dafydd.
So if I understand you correctly Dafydd, my external USB drive is likely to go into standby mode while it waits for a few moments, causing the timeline to appear as if the file isn't playing correctly no matter what edit software I'm using !
That would mean that even the high data rate available from USB 3's is not consistent.
OK, I'll transfer some video files to my internal drive and see if it helps....
Makes me think that syncing up 16mm footage wasn't too bad after all
Cheers all for spreading some light
Hi Kyle 40,
I don't have a USB3 connected external, so cant comment on the capability from first hand experience.
The use of externals is more to do with the device itself rather than the connection/cable data transfer rate. If the device is slow to function or is slow compared with an internal SSD (Solid State Drive), the "C" Drive, then you'll notice the lag.
The thing with the externals is you can "pull the plug" and move the data to another computer. If you use it for editing then you are more likely to run into some basic issues as Carl has mentioned. For Example:
Use a Flash Drive or a WD My Book to edit one's video, they'll work ok, no problem, however if you pull the plug on the device the local address (C,D,E,F,J,K,L,M, etc) is reset or not. You may put the plug back in next time after you've restarted, you may have pulled a multi-slot portable card reader out at the same time. Once that that sort of thing happens the source location/local address in the project file becomes incorrect. (If you've pack the project this wouldn't apply). Externals have their uses, being canny is for you to do, not the device.
Again, just an opinion, I like my external devices and do switch them between computers and have used them as source video storage, but I pinged them.