I've been playing around with the PIP Designer and trying to animate an image over a video track. It all worked like it should until I tried to move the image to make it appear as if it was part of the moving video, that's when PD12 crashed
It's quite a simple idea really, having created a simple, static title using PowerDirector, then a png image from the title, I keyframed the image to move with the video. Next, I used the green rotate button on the top of the frame with PIP Designer so that the png image was angled correctly with the video and that is when the problem started. The png image became locked and I could not reposition it! This problem also affected the next keyframe.
It appears to be the keyframes in the motion track that were causing this trouble. When trying to delete the troublesome key frame by clicking on and using the right mouse button, then select Delete Keyframe from the list, the wrong keyframe to the left was deleted ( it is not even selected!) but the one I needed to delete, remained! This happened several times the PowerDirector crashed, and a report was duly published.
Let me re-cap. The basic animation of moving the png image with the video worked really well. It was using the green rotation button that appears to cause the problem with sticking image. You can still use the blue corners but you can't reposition the image over the video until you've deleted the "Motion" keyframe.
The short video clip I was playing around with animated titles. The happy lady appears again at the end!
Cheers all.
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Jun 30. 2014 02:56