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Hesitating or stopping between two clips
Betty15765 [Avatar]
Member Joined: May 25, 2014 17:48 Messages: 99 Offline
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Not sure how to fix this as the preview stops running or hesitates between two specific clips. This is a new one on me. NO problems between the others. Looked for a blank, but not there. There is a crossfade.

Puzzled. Not sure what else to look for.
borgus1 [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Joined: Feb 27, 2013 00:33 Messages: 1318 Offline
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When you say "hesitates" do you mean that the FROM or TO clips freeze momentarily?

If this is a fade with a long duration, expect that behavior on a crossfade. Use either an overlap fade (which will change the duration of the clips slightly) or MODIFY each clip, using the OPACITY keyframe settings to fade one clip down and other up.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Jun 07. 2014 20:58

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