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Accurate Colour Rendering - CDR & PDR
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CDR Forum Members,

This may be of little concern to you, but the issue of accurate rendering of colour (or not) in video has been raised before. All I've done here is to try to narrow the questions.

How accurate is the rendering of colour...
... when a video is produced out of ColorDirector?
... when a video is produced out of PowerDirector?
... when an image is adjusted in PhotoDirector, then later produced in video format?
How consistent is the colour rendition between those processes?

The RGB values stated in the video were determined by HTML Color Picker - from the produced videos played in a media player.

This video doesn't come to any conclusions & I accept that there are some validity flaws because you're not looking at the original video. It just makes some observations.

Please post anything you've noticed & contribute to the discussion. I don't know if we'll resolve anything, but some light may be shed.

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