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Title Track...then video track...NEWBIE
Rayj2011 [Avatar]
Member Joined: Jul 29, 2008 12:37 Messages: 65 Offline
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I am trying to have a Title track then, obviously the master video track.
I can add the title track to the beginning of the time line, but when I go to add a video track, it too defaults to the beginning, so I have both the title track and video track playing?

How do I have the video play after the title track?


RobertJ/OZ [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Location: Melbourne Australia Joined: Aug 14, 2006 02:26 Messages: 1209 Offline
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Hi Ray,

Have a look at this post and see if it helps


Intel i7 930, 16GB ram, Radeon HD 5770 1Gb,Ver. 14.12 Win7 64 bit
Intel i7 7700 HQ, 16 GB ram Nvidia GTX 1050Ti 4GB dual drives 1 TB SSD + 1 TB HDD Win 10

Rayj2011 [Avatar]
Member Joined: Jul 29, 2008 12:37 Messages: 65 Offline
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This may be the answer, unfortunately I don't understand it.
What do I do with a .gif file?
RobertJ/OZ [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Location: Melbourne Australia Joined: Aug 14, 2006 02:26 Messages: 1209 Offline
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Hi Ray,

Not sure where you got the reference to a .gif file from, put a colour board in the timeline in front of your video and adjust the length to suit your Title, which I assume is in the Title Track.

Robert Intel i7 930, 16GB ram, Radeon HD 5770 1Gb,Ver. 14.12 Win7 64 bit
Intel i7 7700 HQ, 16 GB ram Nvidia GTX 1050Ti 4GB dual drives 1 TB SSD + 1 TB HDD Win 10

Rayj2011 [Avatar]
Member Joined: Jul 29, 2008 12:37 Messages: 65 Offline
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Thanks Robert..

The link you gave me had a couple of .gif downloads. I thought they were
the color boards so I didn't open them. Eventually I did open them. They are actually screen captures of the color board room!!

I figured it out!!

Thanks again,

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Hi Ray. Here's another hint about those color boards.

I like to start out every project/production with a few seconds of blank black leader then fade up from black to my first "scene". So I place a black color board on the timeline first and set it's duration to 3-5 seconds. I drop in a fade transition which gives me that fade in from black I want.

In your case you might follow that with your color board plus title. If you place your title on a black color board, you will have the effect of your title fading in, follow that with another fade and another 3 second black color board and you see this:

Black for a few seconds, title fades in shows for a few seconds and fades out to black.

Put your first "scene" on the timeline and a fade transition between it and the last black color board and after the title sequence fade to black you have your first scene fade in from black.

A black color board between 2 fade transitions is very useful for anywhere in your project where you need a fade out to black followed by a fade in from black, usually indicates either passage of time or end of one sequence/chapter and beginning of another.
Rayj2011 [Avatar]
Member Joined: Jul 29, 2008 12:37 Messages: 65 Offline
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Thanks Bif...great tips!!

How do you select transitions. Being a newbie, it's easy to go "transition crazy" if you know what I mean. My first video (I just did my second one), I kinda went wild with different transitions.

For this video, I predominately used a fade. I would do maybe 2 or 3 fades then some other exotic transition...

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I very rarely use the "exotic" transitions, I feel they call too much attention to themselves. So I mostly use fades and dissolves.

The one marked "fade" in the transitions "room" is really a dissolve from one scene to the next, what used to be called a "lap dissolve" in film days when you often had to do it by fading to black, rewind an appropriate length of film in the camera, then start filming while you opened the iris to get a cross dissolve from one scene to the next.

Power Director doesn't seem to have a true fade to black or fade in from black as found in some other editors so I make my own where needed by combining the "cross dissolve" it does have with a black color board. It works.

I haven't tried it yet but we should be able to effect a fade to or from white by using the fade in conjunction with a white color board.
Joe [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Sep 14, 2008 23:08 Messages: 2 Offline
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I've folloed these directions to the letter but I still can't get the title to appear before the vicdeo. This is quite frustrarting as I am trying to get a wedding video edited and delivered by Wednesday of this week. Is this problem a glicth in the software? And if yes then is there a patch that fix it?

Any help with this problem would be greatly appreciated.

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Titles reside on the title track, not on the main video track. If you are not starting out on the main track with some kind of "leader" the first title will overlay on the first video clip(s) on the main video track.

Go up to the light grey media bar and click on the down arrowhead at the right. You will get a pulldown menu with media choices, select color boards. Now click on the black one and drag it down to the main video track on the timeline, and stretch it out for say about 8-10 seconds.

You should have nothing on the timeline at that point except a black clip. Go to the title room and pick the first title style and drag it down to the title track. Edit it to show what you want and then adjust it's length to less than the black clip on the main track.

Now add a few of your wedding video clips after the black clip and when you play it you should see black, then your title on black, then black followed by the first video clip.

Also what I said above about titles fading in and out is incorrect. In PowerDirector the only way I found to make titles fade in and out is to set them up as a separate video project, render them to a file and re-import the file so you can put that on the main video track. There you can apply the fade transitions.

Transitions do not work on the title track.
Joe [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Sep 14, 2008 23:08 Messages: 2 Offline
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Thank yu fo ryour prompt reply; however, although I followed your directions the title still does not appear. After first placing the color board into the video line I placed the title and then added the wedding video. The result was that the title disappeared and only the wedding video played.

I'm going to go back to Premiere Esentials.
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