Well, I figured out how to get the slideshow formatted "NORMAL" effect, with it's transitions, to display keyframes instead of the timeline, so I could extract unwanted jpegs...but when the keyframes display, the transitions have now VANISHED. Next, to regain the transitions, I figured out how to select all the images in the keyframes and press the "SLIDESHOW" button to get the transitions back to the original "NORMAL" effect.. Well, the audio doesn't play on the preview now. This program is buggy and it lacks support. I expected easy and was frustrated by the confounding results of editing...not even made it to production yet... Every time I think I've turned a corner, some other nuance pops up to ruin the production. Unbelievable. I probably should have bought a professional grade editing program instead of consumer grade software that balks at every attempt to use it. Six hours and can't produce a simple slideshow. This was something I could have done in a couple of hours in Flash and exported it as a movie. Not sold on my decision to go with this. Paid support? Wow.