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GoPro Clips at Fast Motion are Jerky when editing
kyakbum2323 [Avatar]
Newbie Location: River City, VA Joined: Dec 13, 2013 20:30 Messages: 8 Offline
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but are smooth when posted on Youtube. I don't have this problem when editing video shot with my Pentax Q Can anybody help?
Aus_Sean [Avatar]
Newbie Location: Australia Joined: Nov 27, 2013 19:55 Messages: 25 Offline
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Almost all my video's are done with a gopro (hero2 and hero3 BE) and never experienced what you refer to. What settings are you using on the gopro, someone (even myself) can try the same to recreate. Otherwise I'd consider it's your video card not able to handle the resolution or frame rate - details of your computer would also help others assist.
kyakbum2323 [Avatar]
Newbie Location: River City, VA Joined: Dec 13, 2013 20:30 Messages: 8 Offline
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Thanks for trying to help.. the video card is a Transcend micro sd hc1 class 10. I have shot videos at 720, 1080 and 144o at 48 and 60 fps without success
Aus_Sean [Avatar]
Newbie Location: Australia Joined: Nov 27, 2013 19:55 Messages: 25 Offline
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Have you tried playing the raw video directly through the TV? Or the computer? Same issues? Lower the frame rate, same issues?

Got the latest gopro firm ware?

I would Still be guessing its video card related, rather than software. Your other camera would most likely be at 30 frames per second which could account for the difference.

Example of my gopro footage below at 1440 res, 50fps (PAL). Pretty smooth.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Dec 23. 2013 07:12

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