I am playing around with the new tilt-shift effect in PD12. Very cool! Here is my first sample: Corsairs tilt-shift test video.
My approach was:
- Speed up the clip 2.6x
- Increase saturation to 200
- Used tilt-shift keyframes to follow the motion a little better
However, the article CREATING THE TILT-SHIFT LOOK IN POST (for Adobe After Effects) also mentions changing the frame rate: "Select the footage and in the menu bar go to Layer>Time>Time Stretch, then in the pop-up window enter 50 percent for the Stretch Factor. This will speed up the footage to playback at twice its normal speed, cutting its duration in half. In the timeline, adjust the work area to cover only the new duration of the clip. Select the clip and in the menu go to Effects>Time>Posterize Time. In the Effect Controls panel adjust the Frame Rate in the Posterize Time effect to four frames per second. The playback of the clip should appear to be sped up and stuttering, as if it were a series of still images brought to life."
Is there a way to change the frame rate in PD12 similar to what is mentioned in the article? I think my test clip looks pretty good given the amount of time spent and clip not being ideal for tilt-shift, but it seems a little too fast and is missing the time-lapse feel.
Matt YouTube channel