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PiP Designer Not working correctly when creating custom PiP
Aeropars [Avatar]
Member Joined: Jan 10, 2010 15:33 Messages: 65 Offline
[Post New]
Hi All,

I'm running the trial of PD11 after currently using PD10 which has some issues which are resolved in this version.

There is a problem though!

I have created a custom PiP which is a semi-transparent white bar (created in photoshop and is saved as a PNG file) which flys in from the left and then morphs on screen so that it is wider. The idea being that this could be used for a "ghosted" area for credits to run through.

In PiP designer, this all works as planned and when I press the play preview button the desired effect is shown in the preview window.
If I then drag this onto the timeline it has changed completly and does not do exactly as it did in the preview. If I edit the saved template I can see the design was exactly as I had created it and still previews correctly. If I edit the PiP now on the timeline, I can see that the keyframes have all changed and the white bar which I have imported does not fly as I expected, nor does the way in which the bar should "expand" work as it did in the preview.

Why is this?? A similar trait was there in PD10 but seeing as the PiP designer has had a revamp I would expect this bug to be fixed.

Any help appreciated.
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