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powerdvd 12 bug report 2625
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full h264 with lossless audio under m2ts container copied from bluray disc [mine, genuine] - video stutter regardless of decoder. [hardware/software/with truethater/without truetheater]

can't play brave bluray extras disc. it has a few short videos and a bluray art gallery. powerdvd 13 can fully play this disc. the only software i could find with full support.
Senior Contributor Location: Houston, Texas USA Joined: Jan 25, 2011 12:18 Messages: 4663 Offline
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Good question. Are you having issues with Power DVD 13 or Power DVD 12 (where you posted) Is this for informational purposes or do you need help. If for informational purposes, did you contact support?

It would be of great help if you provide some information on your computer. Follow the instructions for part B here:

and post the results here.

I'm not sure that I fully understand. PowerDVD plays the disc without a problem but not the Brave "extras" disc. Is that correct? HAve you been able to play that "extras" disc on another player - perhaps a friend's blu ray player? Did you check the disc surface and edges for dirt and/or scratches?

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at Aug 11. 2013 09:42

BoilerPlate: To posters who ask for help -- it is nice to thank the volunteers who try to answer your questions !
Anything I post unless stated with a reference is my personal opinion.
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there are 2 discs.



even more extras

i don't have a bluray player. i use pc bluray drive. the only software that played the disc was the dvdfab player but failed in the art gallery. powerdvd 12 and under failed. windvd pro 11 failed.

powerdvd 13 was the only software the successfully played the disc and art gallery. unfortunately, it's too buggy to use properly. check my bug report for powerdvd 13 under the powerdvd 13 section.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Aug 11. 2013 10:50

Senior Contributor Location: Houston, Texas USA Joined: Jan 25, 2011 12:18 Messages: 4663 Offline
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A link would have been a big help. I will try to find you other thread

Since Power DVD 12 and other software can't play the disc that you want, perhaps there is something else going on.

Where is the Part B information I asked for? It takes only a few minutes to run it and to provide the information. If you can't take the time to do that, why should anyone take the time to read and try to respond to your posts? There is no private information in the dxdiag file.

By the way, a BUG is a problem with the software that everyone has; it is fundamental to the software. Until others post that they all have the same problem with all discs, then it is not a bug.

Sorry If I offend you; it is just hard to help if you just complain about a problem that you have and then don't provide the required information. I know that other people will not be so straight forward and will post that I should be kinder. I thnk providing the answer to your issue (not bug) will be the kindness thing that anyone can do.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Aug 11. 2013 11:05

BoilerPlate: To posters who ask for help -- it is nice to thank the volunteers who try to answer your questions !
Anything I post unless stated with a reference is my personal opinion.
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your losing your temper?!? are you for real?
[Post New]
patience.... i never said i wasn't going to upload
771 Kbytes
613 time(s)
37 Kbytes
329 time(s)
Senior Contributor Location: Houston, Texas USA Joined: Jan 25, 2011 12:18 Messages: 4663 Offline
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Quote: your losing your temper?!? are you for real?

No, I'm too old to lose my temper -- but I do get frustrated with people being coy. Did I have to shame you into providing some information?

Your video drivers are out of date. That may contribute to the problem. Do you do any maintenance at all on your computer -- get rid of programs you no longer use, get rid og junk and temp files and defrag (frequently)?

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Aug 11. 2013 11:23

BoilerPlate: To posters who ask for help -- it is nice to thank the volunteers who try to answer your questions !
Anything I post unless stated with a reference is my personal opinion.
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Highly maintained. Diskeeper constantly defragging. Latest drivers although motherboard/gpu drivers no longer supported/updated
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