The checking was done at "Best Buy".
The Sony 4K TV has a few USB ports, Sony has provided USB 4K MP4 material to be played for demonstration purposes. Those files are identical in format to the ones produced by PD11, (see first post) yet on the PD11 files only the sound will play, meaning the TV recognized the file. In fact the TV displays the file name and 3840x2160.
BB was kind enough to compare both USB drives.
No problem playing my USB stick on my computer in 4K, although the GPU is converting the HDMI output to 2K.
I thought just to mention this, part of the problem is the lack of official standards, may take a while to sort out.
BTW looking at the demo material Sony provides, the set comes across rather unimpressive, too much motion, very dark scenes.
The average viewer would not recognize it as having 8 million pixels. It is a 65" set, at a distance of app. 20" the pixels disappear so one would have to sit fairly close to take advantage of the resolution.
Looks like an other disaster like 3D in the making?
But then Amazon is selling a 4K 50" set for app $965.00 !!!, made by SEIKI.
At 36" I would not mind having it as a computer monitor.
This message was edited 7 times. Last update was at Jul 12. 2013 21:05
73s, WA6JZN ex DL9GC
Win10,64bit.CPU i7 6700,16GB ,C= 480 GB SSD ,GPU GTX1060 6GB 1 fan. Plus 3 int, 4 ext HDD's for video etc.LG WH16NS40 reads UHD.
4K 24" ViewSonic monitor.Camera Sony FDR-A