hurray, Another problem with vista and those rip of pikies at micfrosoft. I am so sorry that i didnt buy a sony laptop or a mac. Having just spent a lot of money on an alienware laptop and making the huge mistake of getting poxy vista on it. I am spending most of my time attending to conflicts errors and misalignments. Cyber link (is it owned by Dopey Dell?) is the latest. Your joking if Id buy the full version, no way sunshine. It doesnt work with vista, I havenet seen any useful information from cyber link as how to make it work. except for dropping a four pound lumphammer on Bill Gates gormless scull. I am sorry for not buying a sony. I have had four trouble free years with their laptop and associated software. It works every time and just gets better. Cuberlink is a fraud. I see nothing but a grainy picture, a load of hot air, like the fan out of this laptop. To all out there, buy Sony, you will not be disappointed,