I'm having trouble importing wmv's to my power director 11. I'm getting "an error occurred while opening this file in the media library. It may be because the file is broken, an unsupported format, protected video content, or for another reason. Try contacting your video provider for another format." My school uses wmv because it's universal and easier to handle. I know power director can produce it as wmv. But when I uploaded the wmv it wouldn't load. the original was an avi, but when it converted to wmv i couldn't upload to edit it. when i first installed it it said the same thing for the "tram.wmv" file it uploaded but i thought nothing of it then. but not i see that my copy has never been able to upload the wmv files. please help me as i need to be able to upload wmv's for school.
thanks to anyone who can assist and i apologize for any inconvenience or duplicate posts.