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Newbie Joined: Jan 29, 2013 17:13 Messages: 5 Offline
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currently trying the trial version of POWERDVD 13 ULTRA and it seems to play bluray very well, however if i shut it down and try to restart it, it shuts down on its own and i have to reboot the computer in order to get it to work.

also the auto-resume does not seem to work on this version

i am disappointed because i would like to upgrade from POWERDVD 12 ULTRA which i purchased a few months ago.
Sri Vamshi Mohan [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Apr 05, 2013 22:41 Messages: 15 Offline
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I believe you have to enable resume in the settings. It was that way in 12.

I don't know why you may have this issue with restarting. This is something new altogether.
mmoukiou [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Nov 06, 2009 14:58 Messages: 8 Offline
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If you get a message "pdvd is already running", when trying to re-open pdvd, open task manager (ctrl+alt+del) and stop powerdvd.exe from running. Then try to re-open pdvd again.
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