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Two years on and 3D still not working properly...
Manni01 [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Dec 26, 2009 17:22 Messages: 45 Offline
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As soon as PDVD 12 was released, I requested an automatic detection of 3D blurays so that PDVD could (like TMT) play 2D blurays in 2D and 3D blurays in 3D. This request was acknowledged by Cyberlink-Michael, and we were promised Cyberlink was "working on a solution".

Come update 2625, a couple of years later, I can't believe we still have to watch everything either in 2D or in 3D, unless we change the mode manually, which in MediaCenter is almost impossible without fetching a mouse/keyboard .

This is the single feature that is a complete dealbreaker for me. That and the fact that 3D Blurays play at 24.00hz instead of 23.976hz which causes micro-stutter every 40s or so on my JVC X30.

I haven't used PDVD 12 since I bought it, and will not upgrade to the next version.

Very sad as I owned and used all PDVD versions since V7.

This message was edited 4 times. Last update was at Mar 28. 2013 10:58

goldenm [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Apr 30, 2012 15:04 Messages: 28 Offline
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You should have invested your money into a standalone 3d bluray player instead of powerdvd, all your troubles would have been solved by that decision. Cinema mode is so weak...

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at Mar 28. 2013 11:24

Manni01 [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Dec 26, 2009 17:22 Messages: 45 Offline
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I have a standalone bluray player (a Sony BDP-S570), but that doesn't help to play the ISO backups of my 2D and 3D bluray from my NAS .

TMT 5 (and TM6) switch automatically between 2D and 3D, so it can be done. There just doesn't seem to be any will at Cyberlink to make this happen.

It is true that MCE integration in TMT is also much better than in PowerDVD, which is still unable to display the menu for more than a few seconds, or to display the right menu when pressing info on the remote.

Not regretting using TMT at all, I am just shocked at the inertia from Cyberlink regarding proper MCE integration and something as simple as switching automatically to 3D when playing a 3D bluray.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Mar 28. 2013 11:41

goldenm [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Apr 30, 2012 15:04 Messages: 28 Offline
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Are you sure that those iso backups aren't downloaded from the internet?
Manni01 [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Dec 26, 2009 17:22 Messages: 45 Offline
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Yes I am, thank you very much.

Are you sure you haven't stolen your car by the way? Or that the money on your bank account is really yours?

I have no idea why you would expect someone you don't even know to be a thief, but I guess that's how people think these days.

It's not very nice, and just for clarity I am against piracy.

That doesn't mean I should have to go through hundreds of legally purchased physical discs everytime I want to watch a movie, each time taking the risk to damage them (especially true with children around).

I read my blurays once, when I purchase them, then they go back to their box and stay there.
goldenm [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Apr 30, 2012 15:04 Messages: 28 Offline
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Hey, just a joke, no offense
Manni01 [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Dec 26, 2009 17:22 Messages: 45 Offline
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No problem :.

Now let's get back to topic, although I'm not really hoping for anything.

Sounds like automatic 2D/3D switching is never going to happen with PDVD.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at Mar 28. 2013 13:34

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