I was playing around with different adjustments applied to a single photo in PhotoDirector. What I set out to do was to see what combination of adjustments got me closest to the look of a genuine HDR photo, if you know what I mean.
At times, I was generating "fantasy" type adjustments and these were left "on the cutting room floor". Might be an age thing!
I had a bit of fun assembling a slideshow & trying to sync image transitions to music. Good job it was only short. Not all the photos had HDR glow & edge effects applied.
I don't think I succeeded with my original goal of trying to replicate the "look" of a real HDR photo, but had a bit of fun along the way.
P.S. It would be great if other members post links to their PhotoDirector outputs - either images or videos. DirectorZone is one place to do this.
PIX YouTube channel