I tried a search for this question but did not find an answer to this specific question.
I have a new laptop ordered and it should arrive anyday day now so I want to get PD 11 Ultimate on it.
My old laptop is windows 7 with PD 10 upgraded to PD 11 Ultimate - I have the CD for PD 10 Ultra and the 2 upgrade CDs
for PD 11 Ultimate.
My questions are 1/ Should I install PD10 Ultra and then enter the 30 digit activation code and THEN install PD 11 Ultimate
and the 30 digit code on my new windows 8 laptop or??
2/ I understand CyberLink only allows PD to be used on one laptop so I am concerned the 30 digit codes will not work
for my new laptop - maybe i need to talk to Support about this but I'm hoping someone smarter than me knows the answer.
3/ Do I need to do a complete un-install on the old laptop before installing on the new laptop?
4/ I am planning on manually saving the CyberLink folder(which contains downloaded effects and my projects etc) to the
"Documents" folder on my new laptop - I don't foresee any issues with that - do you?
Thanks for your Help