Hello fellow PD11 users. I created MP4 files using Power Director 11. Now, I am trying to create a disk using Power Director 11 and I only have a DVD burner. The quality of the DVD will be MPEG2. Is there a way to keep the MP4 files quality, rather than distorting to MPEG2? Any assistance is appreciated! Thanks.
If you have BluRay player or PS3 you can create an AVCHD DVD
You can also burn the files like MP4 [DVD Data] with Nero another recording sofware, these can read on PC
AMD-FX 8350 / 8GB DDR3
SSD SUV400S37240G / 2-HD WD 1TB
AMD Radeon R9 270 / AOC M2470SWD
Windows 7-64 / PD16 Ultimate