The Project consists of an .avi 720HD (1280 X 720) 10kbps in stereo with a couple edits, 1 picture at the begining and ending with 1 or 2 fades and it's being converted to 720HD .mpg2 at 13kbps and dolby 5.1
Both profiles used custom settings of:
1280x720 at 13Kkbps, dolby 5.1 at 384kbps sample rate of 48 kHz. The project is 22:05 minutes long.
There were no changes made whatsoever in the project.
the PDR 10 size is 1.00 GB (1,074,835,456 butes)
the PDR 11 size is 1.26 GB (1,355,155,456 bytes)
Over 25% larger for the same project! can anyone tell me why this is please?
Even in PDR 10 I could produce similar length MPG2 files with the same profile and get significantly different sizes, I figured it was the differences in cuts and splices and any extras, pips, fades, subtitles, etc.
Any help is greatly appreciated as I am new to the editing game.
Thanks in advance
P.S. I can't tell a significant speed increase in PDR 11 over PDR 10, I was hoping that running the 2 video cards would help out. Any clues on how to optimize speed would be helpful as well. PDR 11 Ultimate
Current setup: Intel I7 2500K 3.4ghz, 12 gigs ram, 4TB internal HDD, 2X AMD 6950 video cards total of 4 gigs ram running in crossfire mode, Windows 7 64bit