You'll need to create
1. A Custom Profile, for example for an mpeg4.
2. then go to: C:\Users\PCNAMEHERE\AppData\Roaming\CyberLink\PowerDirector\11.0
3. Select Profile.ini and open in NotePAD
4. Isolate the GOP pattern and change to what you want.
5. Just make sure you're aware of what the GOP patterns mean and they have an effect on the headers/joining of video files.
Below is a Profile for a Sanyo camera, I have highlighted the GOP pattern.
<Class>MPEG-4 AVC
<Output FileName>
<File Format Class>11
<Video Format Class>8
<Audio Format Class>10
<Stream Flag>3
<Field Order>0
<Video BitRate>24393166
<Min BitRate>0
<Max BitRate>29393166
<Video Quality>0
<Video Width>1920
<Video Height>1080
<Frame Rate>59.939999
<Profile Level>65380
<Pre Processing>0
<Flip Video>0
<Speed Quality Indicator>8
<Encoder Mode>0
<App Type>2
<Dynamic GOP>0
<Encoder Type>32
<Audio Layer>1073741824
<Audio Mode>2
<Audio BitRate>128000
<Audio Channels>2
<Audio SamplesPerSec>1
<Audio BitsPerSample>1
I hope the information helps.