Hello Carl, and thank you for responding to my concern!
I will do my best to answer your questions;
What format are you choosing for your capture file?
I must ask what is the quality level of your DVR, is it High Definition or Standard Definition.
Standard Definition, best I can tell
Are you converting Video Tape?
No, To DVD Media
I assume that since you use the term DVR you have a satellite receiver that you want to burn a DVD of the Videos.
Yes, I have a Cable DVR
You want to capture in as near the same format as possible to minimize the quality loss;
Since PowerDirector allows me a choice of three import formats (eg. MPEG-1, MPEG=2, and AVI), I was informed earlier that MPEG-2 was basically DVD quality, where as MPEG-1 was of lesser quality, and that AVI was the best quality, and also the largest format.
Since this post, I burned a DVD from just the imported MPEG-2 file I captured from the DVR. The program was an hour long. I used the DVD / SP burn option (since the HQ option would not fit on the disc). All seemed to go well, the DVD played back fine on my laptop but when I tried playing it on the DVD player, there was no sound.
I then took the imported file and opened the Produce 'room'. There I selected the MPEG-2 option and let it run. Once complete, I burned that file using the same burn settings as before and wala, ther was sound on both the laptop & DVD player.
Carl, do you have any idea as to why that happened? Will I have to go through the 'Produce / MPEG-2' process for each downloaded file?
Also, I've been made aware that the 'Smart Fit' burn optionn will shrink a file to fit a given media, therefore degrading the quality. However, I noticed that this option will also extend a file to better fit a given media selection. Does this mean Smart Fit is enhancing the quality of the file?
Thanks Again for your help!