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YouTube upload failure - one POSSIBLE cause
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I have ALWAYS used the internal YouTube upload function successfully in Powerdirector. Recently, some of my uploads have failed and I find that the source is a new "feature" that YouTube offers during the upload. I upload all of my videos (currently) as 1920x1080. All goes well until the very last moment of upload, when Powerdirector responds that the video could not be uploaded.

The failures happen for videos that may be SHAKY, especially if they :
1. Have black sidebars (less than 1920x1080, but produced that way)
2. Are using titles or effects to frame the video at the beginning.

It seems that Youtube is watching the edges and sees the videos as "SHAKY". I found this out by manually uploading the video to Youtube (see attached image of "help" offer).

Since PD10 does not pass the message to PD10 users interface, the upload times-out waiting for a reply, and a failure results.

Have any of you seen this message in youtube uploads??
[Thumb - youtube_shaky_message.jpg]
Would you like me to fix SHAKY?
75 Kbytes
183 time(s)

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at Jun 11. 2012 01:20

Senior Contributor Location: Texas, USA Joined: Mar 16, 2010 20:11 Messages: 9090 Offline
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I uploaded a video that had mostly a black screen, I got a similar message, I said No, Thanks.

Video uploaded and plays fine.

Carl312: Windows 10 64-bit 8 GB RAM,AMD Phenom II X4 965 3.4 GHz,ATI Radeon HD 5770 1GB,240GB SSD,two 1TB HDs.

[Post New]
Yep, you can respond either way, but it keeps showing up if the video is "in need", and this message will make the internal PD YouTube Upload function FAIL.

No answer from youtube on how to "OPT OUT" yet!
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