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Question about resolution
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I've been having a go at producing a video file with PD10 and I have a question about the screen resolution.
I've chosen 4x3 for my first videos. 4x3 is perhaps a bit vague... I wish I could have more control over the resolution of the file which is about to be produced.
Why? mainly because I wish to make frames, pips, special effects etc. using my image editor and the exact size of the files is a vital piece of information for me.
I've opened the avi file which was supposed to be 4x3 and I was surprised to find that the screen resolution of the file is 720x526

640 x 480 is the resolution that youtube recommends. When 720 x 526 is reduced to a 4x3 aspect ration, I get 640 x 512 instead... (not sure about the implication of this, as I've only uploded one file to youtube once :X )

Is this the usual resolution size for the videos which PD10 when choosing a 4x3 aspect ratio?
I'm a bit confused about which size I should choose when creating images on my image editor, as changes will happen when they are imported into PD, no?

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Images created in image editors are created with 'Square' pixels, and video pixels are (depending on aspect ratio) rectangle shaped pixels. Do a search and you can get a bitmap showing the relative sizes. Here is one I have.
I create my background as vectors at 1920x1080 for Hi def.

[Thumb - monitor-resolution-sizes.PNG]
Screen sizes
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