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Media Library mess-up
akaWolf52 [Avatar]
Newbie Location: Sweden Joined: Jan 27, 2012 13:02 Messages: 12 Offline
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Anyone found a way to use the Media Library? OK it works but in a somewhat odd way.
I have my different media files in seperate folders and do not want PDVD12 to reshuffle it all. Example, I have my movies copied in separate folders including the folder picture for each. When PDVD12 searches the folders it moves things around and put my folder pictures together with the photos I have taken myself. Not what I want. I would like to have the Media Library in PDVD12 but in the structure as I decide.
Any found a solution to this?
CyberLink-Michael [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Location: Europe Joined: Apr 18, 2007 04:05 Messages: 7418 Offline
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the PowerDVD 12 Library does not move or delete any items.

If you want to use the original structure you defined suggest to use the "My Computer" instead the library

Michael Technical Support

Werde Facebook Fan
akaWolf52 [Avatar]
Newbie Location: Sweden Joined: Jan 27, 2012 13:02 Messages: 12 Offline
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Does that also work for a server solution? I have all my media files on a server running WHS2011.
CyberLink-Michael [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Location: Europe Joined: Apr 18, 2007 04:05 Messages: 7418 Offline
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PowerDVD 12 does not run on WHS

Michael Technical Support

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