I would like to create some music videos for my grandkids of their grandpa playing music along with himself. I play a multitude of instruments, and what I have in mind is to record myself playing along with myself on multiple sound tracks in my recording studio. Then I would video myself "lip synching" each instrument, so that I am a band, but all the people in the band are me. For example I would be sitting varous places in my family room, but playing a different instrument at each place (to the pre-recorded mutli-track audio).
I would like to be able to do this project without using green-screen, which would be a huge hassle to deal with. I swear I once saw a video on YouTube on how to do this layered videos-on-video without green screening, but I can't find it now.
So here's my question. Is this possible with PD10 (sans green screen)? If so, how is it done. Is there a video somewhere of how to do this, or even a write-up?
Thanks for whatever info you can provide.